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Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Smp/Mts Uas Semester 1 Ktsp

Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 SMP/MTs UAS Semester 1-Dibawah ini ada teladan soal ulangan final semester ganjil (UAS) yang admin soalulangansekolah tampilkan, silahkan dipergunakan sesuai dengan kebutuhan, baik oleh guru bahasa inggris, maupun oleh siswa kelas 9 Sekolah Menengah Pertama sendiri.

Read the text carefully.
I have an older brother. His name is virdion. He is an undergraduate student in ugm majoring pharmacy.
Every sunday, he usually goes to the sport center, sometimes by himself or with some of his friends. Once a while, he will ask me to join him to have some work out. He is very energetic brother.
Dibawah ini ada teladan soal ulangan final semester ganjil  Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 SMP/MTs UAS Semester 1 KTSP
1. The text above, tell us about ….
A. My brother who is very energetic
b. The writer’s older brother
C. An energetic person
d. An undergraduate student in ugm

2. Who is virdion?
A. My brother who is very energetic
b. The writer’s older brother
C. An energetic person
d. An undergraduate student in ugm

3. Where does virdion usually go on sunday?
A. The sport center
b. With some of his friends
c. Ugm
d. The pharmacy

4. Sariyya : saniyya, i want to introduce tommy to you. Tom, this is saniyya.
Tommy : how do you do?
Saniyya : ….
A. Fine
b. I’m fine, thank you
c. How do you do?
D. How are you?

5. Diah : i’m ia asry.
Vera : …. I’m vera.
A. How do you do?
B. How are you?
C. Good morning
d. What’s your name?

6. Billy : hello will.
Willy : hi bill ….
Billy : fine, thanks. And you?
Willy : very well, thanks.
A. How do you do?
B. How are you?
C. Nice to meet you
d. How is the weather?

Read the dialogue below carefully.
Devi : ….(7) can you help me?
Widya : ….(8)
devi : i am looking for a jacket.
Widya : ….(9)
devi : yes, thank you very much.

7. A. Pardon
b. Sure
c. Forgive me
d. Excuse me

8 A. Perfectly
b. Urgently
c. Certainly
d. Possibly

9. A. Like what?
B. What do you need?
C. Like this one?
D. Which one do you need?

8 I am … my homework now.
A. Do
b. Done
c. Did
d. Doing

9. My brother and i … to school together every morning.
A. Go
b. Gone
c. Goes
d. Going

10. They … it very well.
A. Have done
b. Has done
c. Have do
d. Has does

11. She has been … like this since yesterday.
A. Act
b. Acting
c. Acts
d. Action

Read the dialogue below carefully.
Shop keeper : ….(12)
neo : thank you. I need …(13) paper.
Shop keeper : here you’re.….(14)
neo : do you have some hi tech pens?
Shop keeper : we do have sir.….(15)
neo : i need 3 of them.….(16)
shop keeper : the total cost is rp 32.500,- sir.
Neo : ….(17)
shop keeper : thank you sir.

12. A. Good morning sir          
b. What can i do?
C. Welcome sir
d. Welcome, what can i do for you?

13. A. A bottle b. A sack of c. A kilo of d. A piece of

14. A. Do you want to know the cost sir?
B. What else can i do for you sir?
C. Thank you sir
d. Do need some more sir?

15. A. How many do you need?
B. How much do you need?
C. Which one do you need?
D. You need 3 of them?

Lihat soal-soal Sekolah Menengah Pertama lainnya;
>> Soal PKN Kelas 7 Sekolah Menengah Pertama UAS Semester 1/Ganjil Update (50 PG, 5 Esay)
>> Bank soal UKK Sekolah Menengah Pertama Kelas 7 dan 8 Sekolah Menengah Pertama Lengkap

16. A. Thank you
b. That’s enough
C. So, how much is the total cost?
D. So, how many is the total cost?

17. A. Thank you
b. You’re welcome
c. Here you are
d. Good bye

18. They will … to my house at 8 pm.A. Came
b. Come
c. Coming
d. Comes

Lihat soal lengkap disini; berkas soal uas bahasa inggris smp kelas 9 semester 1

Itulah satu naskah soal UAS Bahasa Inggris kelas 9 Sekolah Menengah Pertama semester 1 modern yang bisa anda pakai selaku materi latihan dan antisipasi menjelang UAS ganjil tahun ini untuk tingkat SMP.
Sumber http://soalulangansekolah.blogspot.com/