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Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Job And Daily Life


L E S S O N   P L A N

School                         : SMPN
Subject                       : English
Grade / Semester       : VII / I
Text type                    : Essay (Descriptive Text)
Theme                        : Job and Daily Life
Language skill           : Reading and Speaking
Time Allotment          : 4 x 40 minutes

A.  Standard Competence
1. Understanding the meaning in short and simple text, songs, poems, and simple short essay in descriptive text related to student’s daily life and or academic context.

2. Understanding the meaning of short and simple oral text in formal situation in descriptive, songs and poems to communicate in student’s daily life and or in academic context.

B.  Basic Competence


1.1  Understanding correctly and efficiently the meaning that expressed explicitly in descriptive text

1.2  Understanding correctly and efficiently the meaning that expressed implicitly in descriptive text


2.1 Expressing the meaning of short and simple oral language accurately, fluently, and acceptably in descriptive text to communicate in formal situation in student’s daily life and or in academic context.

2.2 Expressing the meaning of short and simple oral language accurately, fluently, and acceptably in descriptive text to communicate in informal situation in student’s daily life and or in academic context.

C.  Indicators
  Identifying various information about descriptive text
  Identifying  the main idea of descriptive text
  Identifying various language feature for descriptive text
  Identifying the imperative sentences use in descriptive text

D.  Learning Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the students are able to:
  Find the idea of the descriptive text accurately
  Find the purpose of the descriptive text accurately
  Find the generic structure of the descriptive text accurately
  Analyze the imperative sentence used in descriptive text accurately
  Identify the main idea of descriptive text accurately
  Identify the use of language feature in descriptive text accurately
  Identify the structure of descriptive text accurately
  Explain the meaning of a text accurately
  Retell the generic structure of descriptive text accurately
  Express the various information about descriptive text
  Express various language feature for descriptive feature

E.  Materials
        Descriptive text
        Flash Cards

F.   Method/Technique
Cooperative Learning: Three Phase Technique

G. Teaching Learning Activities
- The 1st Meeting

Teacher’s Activities
Students’ Activities
Time Allotment
-     Greeting
-      Good morning

-     Asking the students’ condition
-      How are you?
-      How is life?
-     Checking the students’ attendance
-   Responding the greeting
(religious, politeness)
-      Good afternoon
-      I’m fine
-      Wonderful
Reporting the students’ attendance
5 min
  Pre-Reading Activities
Teacher’s Activities
Students’ Activities
Time Allotment
-     Building the students’ knowledge about descriptive  by giving some questions about descriptive text that the students know.
-      What do you know about descriptive text?

-   Answering the teacher’s question (curious)
5 min
  Whilst-Reading Activities
Teacher’s Activities
Students’ Activities
Time Allotment
-     Explaining the definition of descriptive text

-     Explaining the generic structure of descriptive text

-     Explaining the use of language feature in descriptive text

-     Giving an example of a simple descriptive text

-     Asking to the students to find the main idea and understand the meaning of the text

-     Asking to the students to work in pairs to identify themain idea of the text

-     Giving the feed back to the students’ work

-   Listening to the teacher’s explanation (discipline)

Listening to the teacher’s explanation (discipline)

Listening to the teacher’s explanation (discipline)

Doing the teacher’s command (responsibility, independent)

-   Doing the teacher’s command
(responsibility, cooperative)

-   Doing the teacher’s command
(responsibility, cooperative)

Responding the teacher’s feed back
  Post-Reading Activity
Teacher’s Activities
Students’ Activities
Time Allotment
-     Helping the students make a conclusion about the topic

-   Making a conclusion about the topic
10 minutes
Teacher’s Activities
Students’ Activities
Time Allotment
-     Doing a reflection about the lesson

-     Giving homework to the students to by answering the questions of another simple descriptive text

-     Closing the lesson with saying goodbye

-   Responding the reflection

-   Write the homework items given by the teachers

-   Answering the teacher’s goodbye
5 minutes

- The 2st Meeting
Teacher’s Activities
Students’ Activities
Time Allotment
-     Greeting
-      Good afternoon

-     Asking the students’ condition
-      How are you?
-      How is life?
-     Checking the students’ attendance
-     Asking the students to collect the homework
-     Discussing the homework

-   Responding the greeting
(religious, politeness)
-      Good afternoon
-      I’m fine
-      Wonderful
Reporting the students’ attendance

Collecting the homework

Doing the teacher’s command
15 minutes
  Pre-Speaking Activities
Teacher’s Activities
Students’ Activities
Time Allotment
-     Building the students’ knowledge by asking whether the students have difficulties in the last meeting

-   Answering the teacher’s question (curious)
5 minutes
  Whilst-Speaking Activities
Teacher’s Activities
Students’ Activities
Time Allotment
-     Dividing the class into 2 group and explaining the game using flashcards.

-      Asking the students to mingle into their friends by playing ‘Yes/No Job Profession’ after showing the flashcard. This game runs to divide the students in group.

-     Before doing the next activity, the students are explained about the instructions.

-     Asking one student  both of the group to come and showing the picture of flashcards

-     Asking the member to give ‘yes/no question’ to the student who had been shown the pictures of flashcards

-   Listening to the teacher’s explanation (discipline)

-Doing the teacher’s command (responsibility, cooperative)

-   Listening to the teacher’s expalanation

-   Doing the teacher’s command (responsibility, cooperative)

-   Doing the teacher’s command (responsibility, cooperative)

45 minutes
  Post-Speaking Activity
Teacher’s Activities
Students’ Activities
Time Allotment
-     Helping the students make a conclusion about the topic
-   Making a conclusion about the topic
10 minutes
Teacher’s Activities
Students’ Activities
Time Allotment
-     Doing a reflection about the lesson

-     Giving homework to the students to by answering the questions related to the text

-     Giving the topic for the next meeting

-     Closing the lesson with saying goodbye

-   Responding the reflection

-   Write the homework items given by the teachers

-   Responding

-   Answering the teacher’s goodbye
15 minutes

G. Assessment

        Reading



Identifying various information of the descriptive text

Identifying  the main idea of the descriptive text

Identifying various language feature for descriptive text


Multiple Choice

Multiple Choice

Fill in the blank
My Favorite Teacher
There are about forty teachers in my school. Most of them are kind and helpful. But my favorite one is Mr. Henry, my English teacher.
Mr. Henry is tall and slim enough. He is about thirty year old. Mr. Henry is always neatly dressed. Going to school, he always carriers a briefcase. He uses it to keep his books and other things.
-What is the text about?
a. My school
b. English teacher
c. My favorite teacher
d. Mr. Henry

-what is the main idea of the second paragraph on the text?
a. My school
b. English teacher
c. My favorite teacher
d. Mr. Henry

The Green Frog Balloon
I was very glad when I got the green frog balloon from my friend in my (……..) This balloon is a thing that I like most, compares with other things that I have gotten from him because of the shape. It always reminds me of my birthday when he suddenly came to my boarding house early morning and brought many things in (……….. )As the shape, frog, it can also produce sounds like a sound of frog. “Kroook, kroook…” I always put this (…….) in the table next to the calendar. Instead, I always smile when I see it and, I think, this balloon can attract people to play with.

Scoring Guide =  correct answer X 100
Maximum score

                    Speaking
Scoring Rubric

4. Excellent, the students pronoun every words clearly and use the correct intonation and stress.
3. Good, the students have only miss-pronoun in some difficult words, but correct in intonation and stress
2. Fair, the students have miss-pronoun and miss-stress, but correct intonation.
1. Poor, the students have problems in pronouncing, stressing, and intonating the words.
4. Excellent, the voice is clear and expressive. Students are clearly focus to the emotion   and purpose
3. Good, the voice is clear and understandable
2. Fair, there are many unnecessary pauses in speaking
1. Poor, the voice is too soft and the spoken words are too fast.
4. Excellent, the students use the grammar and vocabularies correctly
3. Good, the students use the correct grammar but less vocabulary.
2. Fair, the students have some error in grammar and less vocabulary.
1. Poor, the students have too many errors both in grammar and vocabulary.
4. Excellent, obrolan is relevant to the topic given
3. Good, dialogs is relevant, but misses in the diction use
2. Fair, obrolan is relevant, but the scene is out of topic
1. Poor, obrolan is vague or inappropriate to the topic.